Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Story So Far...

My name is William and in my (so-called) normal life, I'm an art historian and museum curator who spends a lot of time thinking about historic American art, particularly American portraiture. Or at least, that is what I'm paid to do. But as anyone who knows me is well aware, my life in point of fact tends to be governed by the ever-expanding menagerie of pets in my home. This brood has grown from Aston Martin, a six year-old schnoodle, to Alice, a three year-old Westie, to Pablo, a two year-old black cat. All three get along, although they vie for dominance and alternately love me to death or try to destroy me, when they're not jumping around on each other. Now, against all advice from well-meaning friends, I have added Cuddles to the mix. Why? Because I have always wanted a guinea pig. Against all the odds, and with lots of advice from the internet and care manuals, I am bound and determined to bring all these critters together in some semblance of loving harmony, if it kills me (and hopefully doesn't kill one of them). Can this happen? Have I been warped by two separate museum jobs in which I was responsible for versions of Edward Hicks' "Peaceable Kingdom?" Only time will tell.....


  1. Best of luck with that Peaceable Kingdom! Sounds like you're off to a good start. We've managed to achieve a generally Peaceable Kingdom with one cat, one fish and two pre-schoolers (or at least no one's died yet... well, admittedly we are on our second fish.) Looking forward to hearing about your adventures -- Leslie R

  2. I just love the Cuddles! Absolutely fabulous. Will she be getting much bigger?

    Uncle Theitic
